Behold patchwork pillow #1!  I’m super happy with it, though I also learned I really don’t like patchworking and it’s a good thing I’m going for an imperfect handmade look because I can’t seem to manage to get those damn squares to match up.  The top center fabric is from a thrifted sweater that I couldn’t really pull off, the right center is from a dollar store scarf, and the left center is from a silk Indian scarf I wore to a wedding long ago.  The only problem is that the silk is really fragile and I can see it start to fray… should have backed it with interfacing as I thought as I was making it “I should really back this with interfacing so it doesn’t fray…”

The other fabrics were purchased or in my stash (the pink and blue one came from Mom, thanks!) and the center and bottom left were fancy schmancy buys from the City Quilter (by the way, they were very nice and not stuck up like SOME craft store ladies).  Ooh and the background fabric came from a local fabric store here in my neighborhood, which I spotted while at the register buying overpriced elastic thread, having misplaced the stuff I already bought and being fixated on a shirring project, and an underpriced genyoowine vintage buckle, which revealed itself to me as I was squished in an aisle barely big enough for one ample-butted crafter, squatted down with an employee searching through stacks of upholstery piping while she good-naturedly grumbled about her tyrannical boss, who was one of those proprietors who makes you feel like a naughty student while you are shopping, but in a way you are happy because you feel you’re getting some kind of old-fashioned NY service.  So anyway, I saw the green/blue sparkly floral brocade at the counter, which is almost exactly the fabric in the $7 vintage dress I bought last weekend, which I was tempted to cut up for decorating but of course I never would (sacrilege).

It turned out there was a half-yard left, which was exactly what I wanted, and I expected a bit of a discount as it was a bolt end, but didn’t get one.  Looking at it more carefully at home now I see there is red printing “MADE IN JAPAN”, a red seal/stamp impression, and a grimy bit where it was taped to the roll.  I should really become one of those shoppers who inspects everything they buy and berates the shopkeeper for a discount–for some reason I picture an early 60s housewife shaking a disapproving finger at the local butcher.  It’s a skill I have to work on!  (If the red printing were more distinct, it would work into my design scheme really well, but it’s not–it’s just bleh.)

See? *Shakes finger vigorously and belatedly!*

Click for crochay and moar…

Crocheted pillow top and African Flower hexagons which will make a cover for the vintage storage stool with a bit of a rip and some paint splatters on the top that I keep some craft supplies in, current state (ahem):

Oh, that’s where that USB cable went… also you can see my beloved wee train set in its trampled state.  I think it’s clear I need some better storage… well the chest I pulled in off the street is a start… will blog that soon.  Now back to editing my grant proposal and not surfing for more design inspiration…

Oh yeah, and if you noticed I haven’t been posting my budget as promised, it’s because I’m slightly ashamed that I’ve spent about $200 and have the supplies to make about 75 throw pillows, except not, because I’m missing one minor item required for each one, and an homage to waterfowl.  I’m hoping that my 12 readers won’t notice if I go back and delete all that nonsense about staying honest and keeping track of it all and just pretend it never happened.